Coredge Kubernetes Platform (CKP)


CKP is a custom Kubernetes distribution, built from the upstream Kubernetes repository, which is configured with all of the features needed to build a Kubernetes cluster. CKP has a simple design, flexible deployment options, and modest system requirements, making it an excellent choice for cloud, bare metal, edge, and IoT deployments. The versions are maintained in line with community releases, with the advantage of Enterprise support. CKP manages all the Kubernetes resources. You can learn more about these resources with the attached link.

Why CKP?

The industry has widely adopted Kubernetes for several reasons, as it addresses key challenges in deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications. Here are key reasons why you should choose CKP:

Automated Rollouts, Scaling, and Rollbacks

It automatically creates the specified number of replicas, distributes them onto suitable hardware, and takes action to reschedule your containers if a node goes down. You can instantly scale the number of replicas on-demand or in response to changing conditions such as CPU usage.

Service Discovery, Load Balancing, and Network Ingress

It provides a complete networking solution covering internal service discovery and public container exposure.

Stateless and Stateful Applications

While Kubernetes initially focused on stateless containers, it now also has built-in objects to represent stateful apps. You can run any kind of application in Kubernetes.

Storage Management

Persistent storage is abstracted by a consistent interface that works across providers in the cloud or a local file system.

Declarative State

Kubernetes uses object manifests in YAML files to define the state you want to create in your cluster. Applying a manifest instructs Kubernetes to transition the cluster to the target state automatically. You don’t have to script the changes you want to see manually.

Works Across Environments

It can be used in the cloud, at the edge, or on your developer workstation.

Highly Extensible

Kubernetes packs a lot of functionality, but you can add even more using extensions. You can create custom object types, controllers, and operators to support your workloads.

CKP Installation via Cloud Orbiter

To install CKP through Cloud Orbiter, you need to go through below mentioned steps:

Add Hosts and Create Host-groups
  1. Login to Cloud Orbiter
  2. Click Hosts from left navigation panel.
  3. Follow machine steps displayed on screen to Onboard new machine host.
  4. Run the commands from the Cloud Orbiter in the Hosts.
  5. The Pending Machine Host Requests will appear as below once the above commands run successfully. Click Review button.
  6. Once the Review button is clicked, a dashboard of Machine Host Requests will appear; click three dots mentioned at right corner of machine host request table. Select Approve option.
  7. Now, navigate back to the hosts page, Successful addition indicates Provisioned Status as Available, and Connection Status as Connected.
  8. Click the Host Groups tab, followed by the +Create Host Group button.
  9. Upon clicking the +Create Host Group button, Add Host Group window will appear. Enter Name and Description and then click Create button. It will create a Host group.
  10. To assign the host to a host group, Click on the host that is added and click on Actions > Assign Groups.
  11. A dropdown appears using the Host group created in the last step, i.e., demo-cup, can be assigned. Now, click Save button. NOTE: Repeat the same steps for any other hosts to be assigned to the host group.

Creating CKP Cluster

  1. In Cloud Orbiter, go to Clusters tab from left navigation panel.
  2. Click +Add Cluster button.
  3. Click Create Cluster button.
  4. Choose a Kubernetes Distribution as CKP, and click Next button.
  5. Enter Cluster Name and Description and click Next button. Once you click next button, a form appears where you need to add cluster information. These information is mentioned below:
  6. Choose Kubernetes Version from drop-down.
  7. Choose Networking from drop-down.
  8. Choose Networking Version from drop-down.
  9. For Provider Config and choose BringYourOwnHost from drop-down.
  10. Once all the above details are filled, click Next button. Once you click next button, a form appears where you need to add provider configuration. These information is mentioned below:
  11. Choose a number of Master Nodes and click on + to increase the number.
  12. Choose Master Host Nodes from the drop-down and select the Host group that is required.
  13. Enter Virtual IP .
  14. Choose the number of Worker Nodes, click on + to increase the number.
  15. Choose the Worker Host Nodes from dropdown and select the Host group that is required.
  16. Click Create button. A dashboard appears that consist of a cluster state.