Cloud Orbiter Access Logs

The Cloud Orbiter Access Logs feature allows tenant administrators to view access logs related to their tenancy within the Cloud Orbiter console. This feature provides valuable insights into the activity and usage of the tenancy, and helps identify potential security risks or performance issues.By regularly reviewing and analyzing these logs, you can quickly identify and resolve issues, ensuring that your portal remains secure and functional for all users.

Each log entry includes details such as the user's identity, date and time of access, IP address, and the specific API endpoint that was accessed. This information allows you to easily search and filter the logs to find specific entries and pinpoint any issues or anomalies. For example, the following log entry provides specific information about a user's API access:

Time Username Operation IP Address API
16/3/2023, 2:28:07 pm GET /v1/domain/default-domain/features

The user, "", accessed the API endpoint " /v1/domain/default-domain/features" using the HTTP method "GET". The access was made from the IP address "" at 2:28:07 pm on March 16, 2023.

Accessing Cloud Orbiter Access Logs

To access the Cloud Orbiter Access Logs, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Cloud Orbiter platform using tenant administrator credentials.
  2. Navigate to Settings in the side menu bar.
  3. Select the “Access Logs" option from the side menu bar.

By following these steps, you can access the Domain Logs and review the activity of your users. We recommend that you regularly review these logs to detect and resolve any potential issues or threats.