
Settings are the configurable options and preferences that allow you to customize your experience within the Cloud Orbiter portal. Settings can help you to improve usability, security, and privacy, and provide with more control over how you interact with the portal. It includes the following:

Password Policy

By configuring your password policy, you can ensure that all users of your Cloud Orbiter portal adhere to the same standards for password strength and security. This helps prevent security breaches and ensure that your portal and data remain secure at all times. To ensure the security of user data, Cloud Orbiter provides a default password policy that all users must follow. Passwords must meet the following requirements:

  1. Character length (Minimum): Passwords must be at least 8 characters long. This rule helps ensure that passwords are sufficiently complex and difficult to guess.

  2. Character length (Maximum): Passwords must not exceed 32 characters in length. This rule helps ensure that passwords are not too long, making them harder to remember or type accurately.

  3. Special Characters (Minimum): Passwords must contain at least one special character, such as !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, and ?. Including special characters can help make passwords more complex and harder to guess.

  4. Upper Case (Minimum): Passwords must contain at least one uppercase letter. Using a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters can help make passwords more complex and harder to guess.

  5. Lowercase (Minimum): Passwords must contain at least one lowercase letter. Using a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters can help make passwords more complex and harder to guess.

  6. Digits (Minimum): Passwords must contain at least one numerical digit, which can help make passwords more complex and harder to guess.

  7. Recently Used: Passwords must not be the same as the user's previous three passwords. This rule helps ensure that users do not reuse passwords that may have been compromised in the past.

  8. Password must not be the same as User IDs: Passwords must not contain the user's email address or other personal information. Using personal information in passwords can make them easier to guess or obtain through social engineering attacks.

These requirements are designed to ensure that passwords are strong enough to resist hacking attempts and unauthorized access. A strong password reduces the risk of data breaches and helps keep your account and data secure. However, Cloud Orbiter also allows you to customize the password policy to meet your specific security needs. As a tenant administrator, you can modify the policy settings such as the minimum and maximum length, minimum number of special characters, digits, and uppercase and lowercase letters required.

Session Management: Log out From All Devices

Cloud Orbiter provides a convenient way to manage your account's security by offering a "Sign Out of All Devices" feature. With this feature, you can log out of all active sessions on any device with just a single click. This is particularly useful when you suspect that someone else may have gained unauthorized access to your account or if you simply want to ensure that your account remains secure.

  1. Go to your account settings
  2. Select the "Sign Out of All Devices" checkbox

This will log you out of all active sessions on any device including mobile phones, tablets, and computers By doing so, you can be confident that your account is secure and your data is protected.

Cloud Orbiter's session management capabilities make it easy for you to keep track of active sessions and ensure that your account remains secure. Whether you want to log out of all devices or simply monitor active sessions, Cloud Orbiter makes it easy to manage your account's security with just a few clicks.