
To provide our users with the best experience, Cloud Orbiter has integrated a real time dashboard notification feature. Keeping our users informed about their projects, infrastructure (clusters, VMs, application deployments), and other important updates is crucial. Our dashboard notification feature sends real-time notifications through the application's dashboard or user interface, ensuring that users are always aware of critical events or alerts. For instance, when a cluster is created on a public cloud, the cluster owner and project admin will automatically receive a notification. This enables users to remain up-to-date with their activities and take prompt action when necessary, without continuously monitoring the app.

What Trigger Notification?

Cloud Orbiter's real time dashboard notification is triggered by various events, ensuring our users are always up-to-date with their project's progress. Some examples of the different triggers that result in a notification being sent to the dashboard include the following:

  1. Changes in Cluster Status:
    You'll receive a notification whenever there is a change in the status of your clusters, whether it's creation, update, or deletion. Additionally, Cloud Orbiter provides the capability of generating notification messages based on the following events related to clusters:

    a) ClusterReadyEvent: You'll be notified when a cluster is ready for use.
    b) ClusterVersionChangedEvent: Notifications will be sent when there is a change in the version of a cluster.
    c) ClusterNodeScaledEvent: You'll receive notifications when cluster nodes are scaled up or down. 2. Changes in Application Status:
    Notifications are sent when there's a change in the status of an application deployment, such as successful deployment or deployment failure.

  2. Role Management Events:
    Notifications are sent when a user's role is updated or changed.

Resource Type The Cloud Orbiter will send a notification when: Notification Recipients
Project Admin Default User
Cluster A cluster is created/imported/deleted
A cluster gets connected/disconnected
A cluster is scaled-up/scaled-down
Test Suites A user starts a test suite execution
A test suite gets executed
A user add/remove a test suite
Roles The project admin or user admin assigns a user role
User Membership The user gets a membership granted or revoked

Managing Your Notifications:

Cloud Orbiter's user-friendly notification management system allows you to effortlessly manage and track notifications related to your projects. When a notification is generated, it appears as a discreet pop-up window in the bottom-right corner of your screen, providing a brief message and a call-to-action button. This enables you to take immediate action if necessary, enhancing your productivity and overall product experience.

Here are the key features for managing your notifications:

  • Ability to Navigate to the Respective Orbiter Resource:
    Simply clicking on a notification will take you directly to the relevant Orbiter resource. This feature streamlines your access to the associated item, making it easier to respond promptly.

  • Ability to Mark Notifications as Read/Unread:
    You can mark notifications as read or unread, allowing you to keep track of which notifications you've already seen and which require your attention.

  • Ability to Delete Notifications:
    If you no longer need a notification, you can delete it. This helps you keep your notification list clean and organized.

  • Automatic Deletion:
    Notifications will be automatically deleted after an expiry time, which is set at 15 days. Please note that this expiration period is currently non-configurable.

  • View and Manage Notifications Without Navigating to the Listing Page:
    You can view and manage your notifications without leaving your current screen. Here's how:

  • Last 10 Notifications Display:
    You can access the last 10 notifications by clicking the notification bell icon. This feature allows you to quickly catch up on recent notifications without navigating to a separate notification listing page.
  • Filter Unread Notifications:
    You have the option to filter notifications to show only the unread ones, making it easy to focus on the notifications that still require your attention.