
Cloud Orbiter Add-Ons is a collection of preconfigured components that enhance the functionality of a Kubernetes cluster. These add-ons cater to essential features like monitoring, logging, networking, and more. The purpose of Cloud Orbiter Add-Ons is to offer a simple and seamless way to extend the functionality of Kubernetes.

Benefits of using Add-Ons with Cloud Orbiter

Using Add-Ons with Cloud Orbiter offers various benefits. Firstly, it enables easy and straightforward installation and configuration of various Kubernetes components. Secondly, it saves time and effort as users do not have to manually install and configure each component. Lastly, Add-Ons are preconfigured and tested, ensuring their seamless integration, and reducing the chances of any compatibility issues.

Available Add-Ons

Cloud Orbiter Add-Ons offers users an easy and quick way to extend the functionality of their Kubernetes cluster. With three Add-Ons currently available, users can enhance their cluster's monitoring, storage, and backup and recovery capabilities. Using Add-Ons with Cloud Orbiter saves time and effort, ensures seamless integration, and provides a tested and proven solution. Additionally, not all add-ons may be supported for all clusters, and it may depend on the distribution type of the cluster.

  1. Prometheus: A monitoring and alerting tool for Kubernetes clusters

    Prometheus is a popular open-source monitoring and alerting tool for Kubernetes clusters. It offers real-time monitoring and alerting based on configurable rules and thresholds. Prometheus has a multi-dimensional data model, a flexible query language, and offers various visualization options, making it a robust monitoring solution. Using Prometheus with Cloud Orbiter offers users an easy and quick way to set up and manage a monitoring and alerting solution for their Kubernetes cluster.

  2. Local Path Provisioner: A dynamic storage provisioner for Kubernetes

    The Local Path Provisioner is a dynamic storage provisioner for Kubernetes that allows users to create and manage persistent volumes using the local disk of Kubernetes nodes. This add-on is useful for scenarios where users require local storage for their Kubernetes workloads. Using Local Path Provisioner with Cloud Orbiter offers users an easy and quick way to set up and manage a dynamic storage provisioner for their Kubernetes cluster.

  3. Velero: A backup and disaster recovery tool for Kubernetes workloads

    Velero is a popular open-source backup and disaster recovery tool for Kubernetes workloads. It enables users to backup and restore Kubernetes resources, including volumes, configurations, and secrets. Velero also supports migration and disaster recovery scenarios, making it a robust backup and recovery solution. Using Velero with Cloud Orbiter offers users an easy and quick way to set up and manage a backup and disaster recovery solution for their Kubernetes cluster.

Add-Ons Status for Cloud Orbiter

By understanding the different statuses of Add-Ons on Cloud Orbiter, you can easily manage and monitor the Add-Ons that are installed on your Kubernetes cluster. Below we have outlined the different statuses that Add-Ons can have on the platform:

  1. Available

    Add-Ons that are supported by Cloud Orbiter and can be installed on your Kubernetes cluster will be shown as "available." You can easily install these Add-Ons by selecting them from the list and clicking the enable button. Add-Ons that were previously installed on your Kubernetes cluster but have been uninstalled will also be shown as "available." You can reinstall these Add-Ons by selecting them from the list and clicking the enable button.

  2. Not Supported

    Add-Ons that are not supported by Cloud Orbiter will be shown as "not supported." These Add-Ons cannot be installed on your Kubernetes cluster.

  3. Installed

    Add-Ons that have been successfully installed on your Kubernetes cluster will be shown as "installed." You can view the status of each installed Add-On by selecting it from the list.

Installing Add-Ons for Cloud Orbiter

With a simple step-by-step guide for installing Add-Ons, users can quickly expand their cluster's capabilities. Cloud Orbiter Add-Ons are preconfigured and tested, ensuring seamless integration and reducing the chances of any compatibility issues.

To install Add-Ons for Cloud Orbiter, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Cloud Orbiter platform using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Cluster tab and select the desired cluster you want to add an add-on to.
  3. Click on the "Add-Ons" button.
  4. Select the desired add-on you want to install from the list provided.
  5. Click the "enable" button represented by the three dots on the right side of the add-on. The status will briefly show "created" before changing to "installed". The add-on is now installed on your Kubernetes cluster.

Uninstalling Add-Ons for Cloud Orbiter

When it comes to managing your Kubernetes clusters on Cloud Orbiter, there may come a time when you need to uninstall an Add-On. Whether it's because you no longer need it, or you want to replace it with a different Add-On, uninstalling an Add-On is a straightforward process that can be accomplished in just a few simple steps. To uninstall Add-Ons for Cloud Orbiter, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Cloud Orbiter platform using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Cluster tab and select the desired cluster you want to remove the Add-On from.
  3. Click on the "Add-Ons" button.
  4. Locate the Add-On you wish to remove and click the three dots on the right side of the Add-On.
  5. Select "Uninstall" from the dropdown menu. The add-on will now be uninstalled on your Kubernetes cluster. Once uninstalled, the add-on status will change to available.

Troubleshooting Add-Ons for Cloud Orbiter

While using Add-Ons with Cloud Orbiter, you may encounter common issues that can prevent the Add-On from functioning correctly. Below we have outlined a troubleshooting step you can take to resolve these issues:

Check the Log

If you encounter an issue while installing or uninstalling an Add-On, use the "view log" option attached to each Add-On. This will provide you with detailed information about the issue, enabling you to identify the root cause and resolve it.