Brown Field Clusters

Cloud Orbiter provides the ability to import existing Kubernetes clusters into the platform, enabling users to gain visibility, management, and additional capabilities, such as application lifecycle management. The platform supports the import and management of Kubernetes clusters in various public, private, and bare-metal environments.

With Cloud Orbiter, users can also import their existing clusters to the platform regardless of the cloud service provider using the Generic Cluster import feature. This feature enables the user to import the cluster and perform generic operations like scans and backups not specific to the cloud infrastructure.

Cloud Orbiter supports various public cloud-managed services such as Amazon, Azure, Google Cloud, VMware, OpenShift, and EKS-Anywhere. It makes Cloud Orbiter a powerful platform that simplifies the management of existing Kubernetes clusters, enabling organizations to streamline their operations and improve efficiency.

You can use import cluster when you already have a cluster and want to connect with Cloud Orbiter.

Procedure to import a cluster
  1. Go to Cloud Orbiter dashboard. Select Clusters from the left ribbon menu.
  2. Click on + Add Cluster button.
  3. You can view the import cluster and create cluster option.
  4. Select import cluster.
  5. Give a name to a cluster (the name is a mandatory field).
  6. Select cluster type > description > location parameters > click create.
  7. Download config file from the cluster you just created.
  8. Connect to your cluster ssh core@ ( "" can be your cluster IP ).
  9. Apply the downloaded file to your cluster, kubectl apply -f bootstrap-cluter003.yaml.

Create Cluster

When you do not have a cluster and only have nodes with you and want to deploy your workload over a cluster, then you can use create cluster option via Cloud Orbiter.

Procedure to create a cluster
  1. Go to Cloud Orbiter dashboard. Select Clusters from the left ribbon menu.
  2. Click on + Add Cluster button.
  3. You can view the import cluster and create cluster option.
  4. Select create cluster.
  5. Give a name to a cluster (the name is a mandatory field).
  6. Select cluster type > cluster registry > Kubernetes destribution > Kubernetes version > networking > networking version > virtual IP > description > select master nodes > master host group > select worker nodes > worker host group > click create.

Manage Cluster

After importing a brownfield cluster into Cloud Orbiter, users can immediately access all the platform's features and capabilities. It includes health check monitoring, event logging, cost and usage analysis, and application lifecycle management.

Cloud Orbiter also allows users to attach Add-on Cluster Profiles to an imported cluster, pre-configured packages that install and manage various applications and integrations above the core infrastructure layers. These profiles can be added to an imported cluster anytime, allowing users to expand the cluster's capabilities and enable day 2 operations.

The imported clusters are managed through the Cloud Orbiter Management Console. Users can view and manage all their imported clusters from the console and perform various tasks such as upgrading or downgrading the cluster, adding or removing nodes, scaling the applications, and monitoring the health and performance of the cluster.

To delete an imported cluster, users can go to the Clusters page in the Cloud Orbiter Management Console and select the cluster they want to delete. Then, they can click on the "Delete" button and confirm the action. It will remove the cluster from Cloud Orbiter and revoke Cloud Orbiter's permissions on the cluster. It's important to note that deleting a cluster from Cloud Orbiter will not delete the actual cluster from the cloud service provider or infrastructure provider.