Public Cloud Cluster Management

Cloud Orbiter's primary objective is to provide comprehensive cluster lifecycle management for public cloud Kubernetes deployments. It enables you to manage your cloud-native infrastructure more effectively by providing an intuitive, easy-to-use interface to deploy, operate, and scale your Kubernetes clusters. With Cloud Orbiter, you can simplify your Kubernetes operations and ensure your cluster's high availability, scalability, and security. Supported Public Cloud Providers:

  • Azure AKS
  • Google GKE

By leveraging Cloud Orbiter's support for AWS EKS, Azure AKS, and Google GKE, you can easily deploy and manage your Kubernetes clusters without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Cloud Orbiter automates deploying, upgrading, and scaling your clusters, making it an ideal solution for enterprises looking to adopt a cloud-native approach to managing their Kubernetes workloads.

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)

Cloud Orbiter provides seamless integration with Amazon EKS to help you deploy and manage your clusters in the cloud. Whether you're looking to create a new cluster or manage an existing one, Cloud Orbiter simplifies the process and streamlines your workflows.

Here's how Cloud Orbiter supports integration with AWS:

  • Onboarding
    To help you get started quickly, Cloud Orbiter provides an easy-to-use onboarding process. The onboarding process guides you through the necessary steps to connect your AWS account to Cloud Orbiter and deploy your first EKS cluster.
  • Deployment
    With Cloud Orbiter, you can easily create new clusters on AWS using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). This managed Kubernetes service makes it easy to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing your own Kubernetes control plane.
  • Management
    Once your cluster is up and running, Cloud Orbiter provides a centralized dashboard to help you monitor and manage your EKS cluster. From scaling your applications to monitoring performance metrics, Cloud Orbiter has everything you need to manage your EKS cluster effectively.

Create and Manage AWS EKS Cluster with Cloud Orbiter

Cloud Orbiter supports creating and managing AWS EKS clusters through a simple and intuitive interface. Before you can create and manage an EKS cluster with Cloud Orbiter, there are a few prerequisites you must have in place:

  • AWS Account: You must have an AWS account with the necessary permissions to create and manage EKS clusters.
  • AWS CLI: You must install the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) on your local machine. You can download the CLI from the AWS website.
  • kubectl: You must have the Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl, installed on your local machine. You can download kubectl from the Kubernetes website.
  • Cloud Orbiter Account: To access the platform, you must have a Cloud Orbiter account.
Create EKS Cluster

Once you have the prerequisites in place, you can create an EKS cluster with Cloud Orbiter:

  1. Log in to Cloud Orbiter: Log in to your Cloud Orbiter account and navigate to the dashboard.
  2. Create a Cluster: Click the Create Cluster button to create a new EKS cluster.
  3. Select Cloud Provider: Select AWS as the cloud provider for your EKS cluster.
  4. Configure Cluster: Configure your EKS cluster by specifying the desired cluster name, region, and node instance type.
  5. Create: Review your configuration and create your EKS cluster.
Manage EKS Cluster

Once you have created an EKS cluster with Cloud Orbiter, you can easily manage it from the dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the project: Log in to your Cloud Orbiter account and navigate to the dashboard.
  2. Select Cluster: Select the EKS cluster you want to manage from the list of available clusters.
  3. Manage Cluster: Manage your EKS cluster by scaling nodes, deploying applications, and monitoring the health of your cluster.

Following these simple steps, you can easily create and manage your EKS clusters with Cloud Orbiter.

Azure Kubernetes Service (Azure AKS)

Cloud Orbiter provides seamless integration with Microsoft's Azure AKS to help you deploy and manage your AKS clusters in the cloud. Whether you're looking to create a new cluster or manage an existing one, Cloud Orbiter simplifies the process and streamlines your workflows.

Here's how Cloud Orbiter supports integration with Azure:

  • Onboarding
    To help you get started quickly, Cloud Orbiter provides an easy-to-use onboarding process. The onboarding process guides you through the necessary steps to connect your Azure account to Cloud Orbiter and deploy your first AKS cluster.
  • Deployment
    With Cloud Orbiter, you can easily create new clusters on Azure using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). This managed Kubernetes service makes it easy to run Kubernetes on Azure without needing your own Kubernetes control plane.
  • Management
    Once your cluster is up and running, Cloud Orbiter provides a centralized dashboard to help you monitor and manage your AKS cluster. From scaling your applications to monitoring performance metrics, Cloud Orbiter has everything you need to manage your AKS cluster effectively.

Create and Manage Azure AKS Cluster

Cloud Orbiter integrates with Microsoft Azure, allowing you to deploy and manage Azure AKS clusters through the platform. Follow these steps to create and manage an AKS cluster:


Before you can create an AKS cluster using Cloud Orbiter, make sure you have the following:

  • An Azure subscription: You'll need an Azure subscription to create an AKS cluster on Azure. If you don't already have one, you can sign up for a free trial at Create Your Azure Free Account Today | Microsoft Azure.
  • Azure CLI: You'll need to install the Azure CLI on your local machine to interact with Azure resources. You can download the Azure CLI from How to install the Azure CLI.
  • Kubectl: You'll need to have kubectl, the Kubernetes command-line tool, installed on your local machine to interact with your AKS cluster. You can download kubectl from Install Tools.
Create AKS Cluster

To create an AKS cluster in Azure using Cloud Orbiter, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Cloud Orbiter platform and navigate to the Clusters section.
  2. Click Create Cluster and select Microsoft Azure AKS as the cluster type.
  3. Enter a name for your cluster and select the Azure subscription you want to use.
  4. Choose the Azure region where you want to create the cluster.
  5. Configure the node pool settings, such as the node size, count, and disk size.
  6. Review and confirm the cluster configuration, then click Create to provision the AKS cluster in Azure.
Managing an AKS Cluster

Once you have created an AKS cluster using Cloud Orbiter, you can manage it using the platform's built-in tools. Some of the management capabilities include:

  • Scaling the cluster nodes up or down.
  • Upgrading the Kubernetes version or node pool configuration.
  • Adding or removing node pools.
  • Viewing cluster metrics and logs.

To manage an AKS cluster using Cloud Orbiter, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Cloud Orbiter platform and navigate to the Clusters section.
  2. Select the AKS cluster you want to manage.
  3. Use the management tools provided by Cloud Orbiter to perform the desired actions on the cluster.

With Cloud Orbiter, you can easily create and manage Azure AKS clusters and use the platform's powerful management capabilities.

Google Kubernetes Engine (Google GKE)

Cloud Orbiter integrates seamlessly with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), enabling you to efficiently deploy and manage your Kubernetes clusters on Google Cloud.

Here's how Cloud Orbiter supports integration with Google GKE:

  • Onboarding
    Cloud Orbiter provides a straightforward onboarding process, guiding you through the steps to connect your Google Cloud account and deploy your first GKE cluster.
  • Deployment Create and configure new GKE clusters directly from the Cloud Orbiter interface, utilizing the infrastructure provided by Google cloud.
  • Management Once your cluster is running, use Cloud Orbiter's centralized dashboard to monitor, scale, and manage your GKE cluster. Manage node pools, view performance metrics, and ensure the optimal operation of your Kubernetes workloads.

Create and Manage Google GKE Cluster

Integrate Google GKE with Cloud Orbiter and manage your clusters seamlessly through our platform. Follow these steps to get started:


Before creating a GKE cluster, ensure you have:

  • A Google Cloud account: Ensure you have access to a Google Cloud account with the necessary permissions to create and manage Kubernetes clusters.
Create GKE Cluster
  1. Log in to Cloud Orbiter: Access your account and navigate to the dashboard.
  2. Create a Cluster: Choose to create a new cluster and select Google GKE as the cluster type.
  3. Configure Your Cluster: Enter your cluster details, select the Google Cloud project, choose the region, and configure the node pools according to your requirements.
  4. Review and Create: Double-check your configurations and create your GKE cluster.
Manage GKE Cluster
  1. Access Your Cluster: From the Cloud Orbiter dashboard, select the GKE cluster you wish to manage.
  2. Manage Your Cluster: Utilize the tools provided to scale your applications, monitor performance, and ensure the stability and efficiency of your deployments.

By following these steps, you can leverage the full potential of Google Kubernetes Engine with the added benefits of Cloud Orbiter's management capabilities.