

Cloud Orbiter is a cloud-native platform that enables users to quickly and easily deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters. With Cloud Orbiter, users can create secure, scalable, and highly available Kubernetes clusters in minutes. It aims to provide an excellent user experience in managing hundreds of thousands of clusters and maintaining large-scale distributed applications. When working across various settings, such as different data centers and private, hybrid, and public clouds, enterprises confront issues that must be addressed. Cloud Orbiter provides the capabilities to address the challenges organizations face.

  • Cloud Orbiter allows you to easily deploy, create, manage, monitor, and upgrade multiple clusters across geo-locations environments.
  • With Cloud Orbiter, Kubernetes clusters can be provisioned easily at the edge. They can be updated and upgraded without any downtime.
  • Cloud Orbiter integrates with various logging metric platforms for detailed cluster resource visibility and monitoring across edge environments.
  • With Cloud Orbiter, a user can remotely manage target and orbiter clusters.
  • Cloud Orbiter connects multiple clusters to itself so that through Cloud Orbiter, users can manage their target clusters.
  • The connection establishes through NAT GW (NAT GW connects private networks to the Internet), through the Internet into the public cloud region. Once it enters the public cloud region, it will go into the Cloud Orbiter, where it is hosted.
  • Cloud Orbiter manages applications on the target cluster.
  • NAT GW works as a translation layer between these networks.
  • So, once deployed, the HTTP request goes back and forth, and the request will hit the target clusters a user has connected to Cloud Orbiter.

Cloud Orbiter manages all the Kubernetes resources like nodes, events, namespaces, workloads, pods, Replicasets, deployments, Daemonsets, Statefulsets, access control, roles, role binding, cluster roles, cluster roles bindings, service accounts, network policies, storage, storage classes, secrets, ConfigMaps, and more. You can access all the Kubernetes resources, and manage them, using Cloud Orbiter for your application and cluster management.

Day 2 Management

Cloud orbiters provide several options to manage Kubernetes clusters on an ongoing basis, ensuring smooth and efficient operations throughout the entire cluster lifecycle. With features such as auto-scaling, cluster upgrades, and application deployment, the platform lets you focus on your core business rather than the complex infrastructure supporting it. Day 2 operations, which encompass the ongoing management of your cluster once it is up and running, are a critical aspect of cluster lifecycle management. Cluster management involves various tasks, including managing resources, ensuring high availability, maintaining security and compliance, scaling workloads, and monitoring cluster performance. Cloud orbiters simplify these tasks, allowing you to manage your clusters efficiently and effectively without requiring extensive manual intervention. Examples of day 2 management Cloud Orbiter performed:

Cluster Upgrades

Cloud Orbiters automate upgrading Kubernetes clusters to the latest version. It ensures that clusters are running on the latest stable version of Kubernetes with the latest security patches and bug fixes.


With Cloud Orbiters, scaling Kubernetes clusters up or down is simple. Cloud Orbiters provides a centralized interface for scaling clusters, making adding or removing nodes as needed easy.

Backup and Restore

Cloud Orbiters also provide backup and restore functionality, allowing organizations to easily back up their Kubernetes clusters and restore them in case of a disaster.


Cloud Orbiters provide monitoring and alerting capabilities, giving organizations visibility into the health and performance of their Kubernetes clusters. Alerts can be set up to notify administrators of any issues, allowing them to take corrective action before they become significant problems.


Cloud Orbiters provide a range of security features that help organizations ensure the security of their Kubernetes clusters. It includes role-based access control (RBAC), network policies, and container image scanning.

By providing a centralized platform for day 2 operations, Cloud Orbiters simplify the management and maintenance of Kubernetes clusters, allowing organizations to focus on building and deploying applications with confidence.

Cluster Monitoring

One of the critical aspects of managing a Kubernetes cluster is monitoring the health and performance of the nodes and workloads running on the cluster. Cloud Orbiters provides robust cluster monitoring capabilities that enable users to track critical metrics such as CPU, memory, and node health.

  • Health Monitoring

    Cloud Orbiters' health monitoring tools allow users to check the health status of each node and quickly identify any issues that may arise. Users can view the status of each node and receive alerts if any nodes become unhealthy. It lets users quickly identify and resolve issues impacting the cluster's stability.

  • CPU and Memory Monitoring

    Monitoring the CPU and memory usage of a Kubernetes cluster is crucial to ensure optimal performance. Cloud Orbiters provides real-time monitoring of CPU and memory usage for each node and for each workload running on the cluster. It enables users to identify and troubleshoot any issues arising from high CPU or memory usage.

  • Node Monitoring

    Cloud Orbiters' node monitoring capabilities allow users to monitor each cluster node's health and performance. It includes monitoring the node's CPU, memory, disk usage, and network activity. Users can view the node metrics in real-time and set alerts to receive notifications if any issues arise.

Application deployment

Cloud Orbiter offers several options to deploy applications on Kubernetes clusters, making it easier and faster for developers to deliver their applications to end-users. One of the key features of Cloud Orbiter is its ability to automate the deployment process, which saves a lot of time and reduces the risk of human error. To deploy an application on a Kubernetes cluster using Cloud Orbiter, developers can integrate with helm and gitOps repository.

App Instances

Applications running on target clusters are termed app instances. With Cloud Orbiter, you can have access to managed and unmanaged app instances. Applications that are actively managed by Cloud Orbiter onboarded applications are termed as managed instances, while those onboarded applications which are not managed by Cloud Orbiter are termed as unmanaged instances.

Managed Instances

Managed instances provides you details of an application, namespace, release name, created at, created by, and state. It lets you perform various operations on an application deployed on a cluster. You can view the log and download values.yaml file, unmanaged, and delete app instances from managed instance dashboard.

Unmanaged Instances

You can actively check the unmanaged app instances, their chart details, and application status with Cloud Orbiter. Cloud Orbiter allows you to interact with unmanaged app instances and enables you to move from unmanaged instances to manage instances to automate the application life cycle.

Location Tagging

Cloud Orbiter allows you to manage clusters. A significant focus for Cloud Orbiter is to connect edge clusters. Edge computing caters to various computing scenarios like latency-sensitive applications where the geolocation of a cluster is extremely important. Cloud Orbiter provides location tagging that allows you to specify and view the geolocation of your clusters, with the feature of auto-detecting the geolocation of a cluster based on its public IP.

On a clusters dashboard, you can view two options to fetch details of your cluster.

  • List view
  • Map view

A list view lists the clusters with information like status, version, distribution, applications, health, pods, and utilization. The map view shows a graphical representation of your cluster on a map. You can view the details of your clusters using the Info button. Once you click on the view details button, it will show you the details of your cluster.

From the map view dashboard, you can also enable Add-ons.

  • Click on go to Add-ons.
  • Select Enable from the three dots in the right corner.

For more information on Add-ons, click here.

Service Discovery


In Kubernetes, a Service is a method for exposing a network application that is running as one or more Pods in your cluster. Services in Kubernetes provide service discovery without requiring you to modify your existing application. Pods allow you to run code from either cloud-native or containerized apps. A Service makes the set of Pods available on the network so that clients can access them.

Centralized Ingress

When a service is created, Kubernetes assigns it an IP address that can only be accessed from within the cluster.Regardless of how many pods are running or which specific nodes they are on, other containers inside the cluster can begin to contact the service over its IP address. * Centralized Ingress allows access to multiple services without any extra configuration. Cloud Orbiter enables applications to be accessed across clusters without writing Ingress files or establishing service NodePorts or Load Balancers manually. * The Centralized Ingress solution eliminates the need for service configuration or exposure mapping. You can access the services in the target cluster without using an external tenant or IP-based configuration.

Test Suites

Cloud Orbiter offers a pre-configured set of test suites containing pre-packaged test cases. These pre-bundled test suites enable you to proactively verify your clusters before application deployment and post-deployment to ensure optimal performance.

Access Logs

Access logs are a crucial aspect of monitoring your cluster activity, identifying security threats, and troubleshooting operational issues. Cloud Orbiter provides a robust solution for managing and analyzing your cluster access logs.

Backup & Restore Jobs

Cloud Orbiter's backup and restore provides a backup of your namespace and applications deployed on multiple clusters at remote locations.


Cloud Orbiter Add-ons is a collection of preconfigured components that enhance the functionality of a Kubernetes cluster.