User Session Management

Coredge offers you an option to configure user sessions with concurrent session limits and manage session exceedance. It is essential for maintaining control, security, and optimal resource utilization in a system or application, leading to a smoother user experience and enhanced system performance.

1. Configuring User Sessions

This action is exclusively accessible in the admin mode. To set up user sessions, navigate to the settings menu and then choose 'User Session Config.'

1.1 Setting Concurrent Session Limits

Administrators have the ability to configure concurrent session limits for users within the domain. This feature allows you to control the number of simultaneous sessions each user can have.

1.2 Managing Session Exceedance

Our system offers two options for managing user sessions when limits are exceeded:

Terminate the Oldest Session

When a user exceeds their session limit, our system will automatically terminate the session of the user who has the oldest "Last Access Time" among all active user sessions. This ensures that users with the least recent activity are affected first.

Deny New Sessions

Alternatively, administrators can choose to deny new sessions when a user reaches their session limit. This prevents users from starting new sessions until they free up existing sessions.