Getting Started

Quick Start with Coredge Cloud Orbiter

Welcome to Coredge Cloud Orbiter! Getting started with our platform requires you to sign up and become an authorized user. Our universal application control plane provides access and management capabilities for applications, infrastructure, and edge devices.

Cloud Orbiter provides a comprehensive solution to help you manage workloads more effectively. You can manage your entire application stack in one place using our platform, which features a powerful automation capability, robust security features, and an intuitive user interface.

Cloud Orbiter helps you streamline your workflow and reduce complexity by managing applications, infrastructure, edge sites, and devices. It provides centralized management of your application deployment and infrastructure management needs.

Cloud Orbiter allows you to manage and monitor all your workloads and applications from one convenient location. As a company, Coredge strives to provide you with the best experience possible and is constantly improving its platform.